Being Witnessed

Photo from NASA

During the spring of 2011 a few weeks after becoming Reiki attuned, I sat for a psychic reading. It was my first reading, and something about it cracked me open. Wide open. From time to time I’ve wondered how a psychic reading could initiate a spiritual awakening, and I believe it’s because I was witnessed that day.

A soul sister (the psychic) saw me, validated me and everything I’d been through, and gave me incontrovertible evidence that there was something beyond our physical world. Don’t get me wrong, I believed in psychics before the reading, had read a book about a near-death experience, and had even had a few metaphysical experiences during hypnosis sessions. But the knowledge held in my head coalesced with my heart and cracked it open.

The awakening set me on my soul’s purpose of healing.

Today I was reminded of the power of being witnessed. Feeling seen and heard, and being validated.

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